Friday, October 24, 2008

Mot Juste du Jour: Paradoxical Recursion edition

Her: You're such a fraud!

Me: I never claimed to be otherwise...

Random Im exchange in my little world

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Something fascinating...

... and something... rather not.

The fascinating bit comes from this article on The very brief summary of the article is that scientists have found that physical warmth in the hands can affect how warmly one person judge's another's personality.

Think about this for a second: simply altering how the physical environment impacts a person. can alter a person's cognitive and emotional reactions.

I have to admit I don't find this nearly as earth shattering as perhaps most people will. Partially it is because I'm no stranger to the thesis that our cognitive processes are much more closely tied to our physical bodies than is commonly thought. Still, it is fascinating.

Speaking of understanding how our minds work, This was on Yahoo News' front page today:

Beyoncé changes her name

The singer's new album reveals an alter ego which she says allows her to take more risks. » What it is

The name is intentionally withheld in order to generate clickthroughs. When these techniques no longer work, when people can avoid such blatant manipulation to the extent that it is no longer profitable, humanity will turn a corner in its evolution.

And yes, this was not fascinating. I'll try very hard to avoid, as long as possible, finding out what it is. I did not click on the link.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Mot Juste du Jour: Reboot edition

Some guys do extreme sports. I date redheads.


Saturday, October 04, 2008


I’m at the bookstore.

There’s a nice (pretty) lady looking at some chick piece of publishing. I know that it is because it’s pink. She’s in her late 20’s. She’s done up nice.

Her daughter is with her. Probably about 10 years old.

Has her hair done nice, wearing a nice outfit, with the cutest the perfect little doll-sized replica of her mother.

And she’s reading a teeny-bop girl magazine.

Somebody please tell me why this doesn’t constitute child abuse.


Thursday, October 02, 2008

I hate cold weather...

And it's only AUTUMN. Isn't this WINTER weather???