Those of you not familiar with the work of G. I. Gurdjieff will no doubt fail to recognize the title of one of his most important books. While that is specifically intentional, it is not my purpose here to actually talk about Gurdjieff, in no small part because I’m not actually terribly familiar with his work. I’ve read exactly one book by his disciple, P. D. Ouspensky; that, combined with what biographical information I have regarding both men have convinced me that there is something there, if it is approached with an open mind and minimal preconceptions.
(I’m a firm believer that recommendations made by one person to another can only be taken as seriously as the product of the second person’s open-mindedness towards the subject at hand, and the respect that the recommendee accords to the recommendor. As such, the less I say about particular subjects, the better.)
The inspiration for today’s post is rather subjective and personal. To borrow a phrase from a dear friend, I have friends (including her) that are awesomely amazing and inspire me to interesting heights and ambitions. I had a conversation with one of them today. It was… flights of analytical abstraction on topics as diverse as society and economics and education and politics that was… good old-fashioned “intellectual conversation.” It reminded me of the heady days when I was an undergrad at Samford, ready and willing to take on the world. It put me to mind the kind of salon atmosphere that has always been my most productive source of intellectual ferment. It made me long for circumstances that are vastly different from the ones wherein I currently find myself.
It also convinced me that… this obsession thing is… just exactly where it’s at.
Because, for the first time in my life, I don’t feel as if I’m a victim, a passenger, on tides and happenings beyond my capacity to appreciate or ability to control. I am aware of the specific forces at work and the operational principles of those forces, and more to the point, of how I ought to navigate them. And, most important of all, I have a specific destination in mind of where I want to go, where I want these currents to take me.
Right now, I want to concentrate on the endpoint, the final destination. This temptation must be resisted. As a firm believer in the pragmatic value of the “Line upon line, precept upon precept” perspective, I know that there is no surer way of hobbling myself and preventing myself from ever accomplishing my ultimate goals than to get a step or two or three ahead of myself and attempt to take on roles and responsibilities that I’m not yet ready to assume.
At the same time, it has probably never been more important to fix my endpoints firmly in mind. I KNOW what I want to accomplish, and some of the steps necessary to accomplish them. And I (quite frequently) have ideas of what I can be doing (practically!!!) to accomplish those goals.
Right now I need the following kinds of “social structures” the “scaffold” me into the course I want to ultimately pursue. First there will be those friends/acquaintances who can inspire the ultimate goals and share in the intellectual ferment of heady ideas and concepts. They’ll “keep me inspired” and encouraged, make me want to keep at it, endure the indignities of hard work. And then there will be those of my friends who, in the interest of aiding my success, will help me focus on the necessaries, the nitty-gritty, trudging details that are a requisite of any kind of success….
It all makes so much sense right now. It’s pretty obvious to me that, at the moment, I’m riding a manic high, but that’s no reason not to start laying some groundwork, start getting stuff done NOW that’s going to really matter in the long run. The paradoxical problem is that whenever I DO feel like accomplishing a LOT, my temperament runs toward the big picture stuff, towards the grand and glorious synthetic visions of the world that have nothing whatsoever to do with starting a writing career. Must avoid getting ahead of myself.
So, just a friendly FYI: I am likely to turn this blog in particular into a dumping ground for my practical ideas and to-do lists that, short of being written down and therefore concretized, will simply vanish into that particular hell where Good Intentions always seem to slip off to. I have a couple of guidebooks/self-help/pathway-to-success titles that I’m going to be following/instituting/realizing/pursuing/performing/executing. In the process of doing so there will be specific steps that I will need to accomplish, and I’ll probably be noting that here.
If my “thinking to myself” gets odious or onerous or some other adjective starting with ‘o’ and denoting some sort of negative reaction inspired by said thinking out loud, just let me know and I’ll alter my behavior accordingly. For now…
For RIGHT now, I’m going to list my next project, so that someone out there will know that it’s a project I know I *should* do and that I am therefore putting it out there for people to encourage me to actually do it. I’m going to write down, in actual, handwritten or typed text, the specific goals I have in mind. For the purposes of this exercise, I won’t bother being either terribly precise or specifically programmatic – I won’t bother laying out the exact steps that I’m going to take to get there, in other words. But I DO intend to start writing it down, as well as start writing down, in separate notebooks, both ideas (big picture concepts) and procedures (specific, practical blueprints).
Let’s get going, shall we?