Thursday, September 18, 2008

Magnificent Obsession

One of these days, I’m going to get myself into trouble…

I recently decided it was in my best interests to become a writer.

Now, coming to this decision was at once suddenly unexpected, and painstakingly obvious. A friend mentioned freelancing off-hand in a conversation. I was at the bookstore, and looking for a book. The title Six Figure Freelancing appeared before me. Voila!

There’s just one small problem…

I am, without a doubt, one of the least qualified individuals ever conceptualized (I would have said “conceived” except that that’s not what I meant) to be what effectively amounts to a self-employed artisan. What, me, actually, going out there and banging down doors and convincing them to pay me good money to craft words for their pleasure? Right.

The problem isn’t that I’m not good at it (no comments from the Peanut Gallery, thank you: you’re reading my blog.) It’s not that I don’t have something to say. It’s not that if it gets written, it won’t be worth reading. It’s that I have no sense of organization, self-discipline, commitment, planning, or prioritization.

In other words, I don’t have any reasonable skill whatsoever at elements that are necessary in the make-it-or-break-it, dog-eat-dog, insert-generic-expression-for-cutthroat-competition-here world of independent contractor.

What I am is very, very, VERY smart.

(Maybe only very, very smart.)

It’s not looking-so-good for me.

(Philosophical in-joke regarding predication. Pay it no mind.)

My situation, as I explained it to a friend of mine (I have those, every once in a while) is that of having a very, very, VERY powerful punching arm (maybe only a very…) and wanting, therefore, to go into boxing.

While being completely untrained in boxing. And, for good measure, also being completely out of shape.

It’s not to say it can’t be done. And it’s not to say having a powerful punching arm cannot be a perfectly fine asset to have as a boxer. It might even both a) compensate for weakness in other areas and b) help one to excel in general in the sport. But before you can even bother to get into the ring, you had minimally got to lose 20 pounds and get some wind. To say nothing of learning to spar….

Which leads me to obsession.

Look, I know I’ve obsessive tendencies. (If you’re reading this, you probably know me well enough to confirm it.) So I’m thinking if this might not be a case of one problem being the solution to another problem. Would be kind of handy to have: an obsession for __________ that impelled me to excellence in the field of __________ to such a degree that I became a hard-working, productive writer in order to become a well-renowned expert in said field.

Understanding the underlying metaphysics of economic systems. Philosophy of Economics.

This is the plan I have in mind for my life.

Wish me luck - I'm gonna need it.


Blogger james said...

We'll see how your boxing career goes, but as a fellow powerful-punching-armed person, I must say you're a very good arm wrestler. I hear bullying is a lucrative career...

8:54 AM  
Blogger Jonathan said...


12:29 AM  
Blogger Elissa said...

This sentence is awesome:

"It’s that I have no sense of organization, self-discipline, commitment, planning, or prioritization."

It was good talking to you last night. Now, go write. Or call me and make me write. One of the two.

3:53 PM  

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