Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Floating Holiday

E-ran into an old friend. I'm annoyed, immediately, that a) he's been blogging a lot longer than I have and more importantly b) that he has a blogroll that includes the likes of Lileks and Reynolds and NRO. The guy frickin' PAYS ATTENTION TO POLITICS. I mean GEEZ. Next thing I know, he's gonna tell me he's angling for a think tank job. He does that and I'm moving to Polynesia.

And it gets worse. He's SMARTER than me. Look, there are very few things in life I handle worse than someone who's IQ is demonstrably higher than mine. Well, this guy GRADUATED from college at the same age I STARTED. (For the record, I started at 17) Ok, so, I usually made better, and more salient, points in philosophy classes, but for crying out loud, I was 4 years older than him. Age and experience HAD to count for something. And that one thing I might have going for me - I have a doctorate and I don't think he does - he might tho, and it really would annoy me if he did - well, I don't even have mine yet. Grrr.

Anyway, I love this guy like a brother, even if he HASN'T FRICKIN' BOTHERED TO KEEP UP WITH ME over the past five years. So, Mad Props to my dear friend David, and by all means, check out his blog, Floating Holiday.

Lotsa Love, my friend. Here's to the renewal of a true friendship.


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